Urban Lumber

We rescue logs and repurpose them for function and beauty

We work with trusted arborists to harvest Urban Lumber from residences, businesses, city parks and areas being cleared for development. Tens of thousands of trees are removed from urban municipalities each year and get thrown into the landfill.

This highly desirable hardwood is largely overlooked and there is an alternative.

Giving Trees a Second Life

Millions of tons of this hardwood goes to the landfill every year. Which strikes me as absurd, because it’s such a great resource. Building awareness about this resource is really important to us. Now there is an alternative. You can surrender that log to people like us that will give it a second life and create something that might be timeless. Raw material is rough in nature, but it can also be clean & contemporary. It can take on any form.– Scott Mills, Founder

The world is cutting old growth forests down at an alarming rate to supply the lumber and furniture industry while under utilizing this amazing resource right in our backyard.

Ironwood Mills Urban Lumber
Saving Trees | Ironwood Mills

There are boundless opportunities for transforming discarded logs into significant and valuable pieces of furniture. 

Have a tree that has fallen or needs to come down for natural reasons?

Since every tree is unique, each situation is evaluated individually.

In general, if you have a hardwood tree that is over 14” in diameter, we are interested in seeing photos.

*Please note that Ironwood Mills does not actually take down any trees, but we can provide a list of trusted arborists that we work with regularly.

Already have an arborist?  It is important that we are part of the conversation with the arborist so we can properly coordinate the process to salvage the tree.  Prior to tree removal, we need to be synced up with arborists on site to determine which part of the tree has value and assist in getting it loaded.

Use this form to inquire about tree removal

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