Ironwood Mills Services
With our Lucas Mill 10-30 we have a unique capability to cut trees up to 5′ in diameter and 21′ long. The mill’s versatility provides operators with the ability to cut both small and large boards to specific dimensions.
We can also cut dimensional lumber up to 10×10.
We love our hydraulic Woodmeiser bandsaw mill. It is the perfect compliment to our large capacity Lucas mill allowing for efficient milling of smaller scale logs.
We are happy to mill a log for you, however due to many variants, we have some minimum requirements to do so. We will assess on a case by case basis.
- Ability to bring it to our storage yard near 17th avenue and Happy Valley.
- Must be minimum of 5’ L and 14” in diameter.
- Please email photos and any details to
$150/hour (1 hour minimum).

Machine surfacing
Our Wood Wizz is a machine that is designed to surface and finish slabs, burls, tabletops, and even recycled lumber with a lower labor input. The machine is ideal for woodworkers who want to add value to their material and produce a perfect finish without any tear, ridging, or burn marks.
• Up to 7’ x 17’
• $150/hour
• Bring your stuff into the shop.
Machine surfacing
Our Wood Wizz is a machine that is designed to surface and finish slabs, burls, tabletops, and even recycled lumber with a lower labor input. The machine is ideal for woodworkers who want to add value to their material and produce a perfect finish without any tear, ridging, or burn marks.
• Up to 7’ x 17’
• $150/hour
• CTA: Bring your stuff into the shop.

Kiln Drying
Our modern iDRY vacuum kiln technology allows tight control of airflow, temperature, and humidity so that all the lumber dries uniformly and to the precise moisture content required.
Kiln-dried lumber can be machined to a superior finish than air-dried lumber and therefore problems such as raised grain are virtually eliminated.
Our vacuum kiln pulls moisture from throughout the entire board and dries much more quickly at lower temperatures.
- Minimum 1000 board feet
- $2 per board ft
- Give us a call: (602) 300 5661